Sunday, October 22, 2006

It's a Sunday Sky, Keeping Up, Book, & Prayer

Sunday Sky

Yes, I know that I'm a member of the *Saturday* Sky group, but my picture is of today's Sunday sky. I tried to take a picture of the sky when I was out and about yesterday. I aimed the camera...and nothing. There was only an annoying beep. I then read on the camera screen that there was *NO CARD* in the camera. Yes, the card was at home ... and I wasn't.

So, today we have Sunday Sky!

I hope the Saturday Sky group will accept my humble apology. : )

This Sunday sky is clear, very blue, and very still. It's simply beautiful!

Keeping Up

I really enjoy keeping up with my online pals' blogs. As my favorite blogs grew in number, I was struggling to keep up with recent posts in a timely manner. While Bloglines is a great option, being a bit impatient in these matters, I choose to know immediately of updates when I'm online.

So, our son Zach helps me out again. He recommended Google Desktop. I got it downloaded, installed, and running in just minutes!

Google Desktop creates a sidebar on your computer screen with multiple features. The *Web Clips* feature allows you, by clicking on *Options*, to subscribe to all your favorite blogs and when they are updated, it shows immediately on your desktop sidebar under the Web Clips heading. How neat is that? : )

The sidebar can be minimized whenever you like, so no need to worry that it will constantly be up on your screen if you'd prefer otherwise.


I'm planning on downloading a book from Audible soon.

The book is...

This book speaks to many scientific issues and is written by the medical geneticist that headed the Human Genome Project, and now heads the National Human Research Genome Institute, Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD. You can read more about Dr. Collins HERE.

Since I participated in medical research as an RN before becoming a stay at home wife, and currently as a patient in a medication research protocol, I have quite an interest in this book. And, as a Christian, I like to be prepared to answer any questions that may come my way.


Please continue to pray daily for those facing challenges ... and for each other. My prayer is that we each grow closer to the Lord every day and learn to have joyful and thankful hearts no matter what our circumstances may be.

Your Friend,



Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Psalm 17:6
I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Autumn, Knitting, Announcement, Cats & Prayers

Autumn at our Farm

Autumn in Oklahoma seems more colorful than usual this year. Yesterday I took a brief walk in the back pasture and took some pictures of the wooded area near the back boundary of our farm.

Enjoy the pictures below of our fall colors.


Yesterday was a cloudy day, but the colors were still brilliant.


I've just finished another little Raglan sweater for the children of CIC. This was a quick and easy knit using Lamb's Pride Bulky yarn.

This yarn is very thick and I'm sure it will keep a little child very warm. I know it kept me warm while it was on my lap during knitting. : )

I'll be mailing off my first box to CIC for the current knitting challenge that goes through November 30th. I'll be sending a second box later in the challenge.


Rosemary and I have been working quietly for a few months on organizing a charity knitting group. We have a website that we would love you to visit and join ... .

Our goal is to encourage others in knitting for chairty, to join with friends of like minds and hearts for helping others, and to share in the process. We plan on having local monthly meetings, and for those that are too far away, you can participate online. We'll be linking blogs of members to the sidebar of CareWool so that we can get to know each other and keep up with each other's lives.

There are no fees or dues for Carewool. There's just lots of encouragement, ideas, fellowship and cheerleading for CIC/charity knitting. As a member, picture posting of items in progress, or completed, are welcomed and encouraged.

Please join us at CareWool.


Our cats have been posing this week, so I took pictures of a couple of them to share with you.

Here's Toby...

Toby is nearing the top cat position of our group of kitties.

And, here's Barkley posing with a cross stitch pattern that I am going to start soon. It looks just like him!

The pattern is titled *Tapestry Cat* by Teresa Wentzler.


Please pray fervently for Susan. She will be having a major surgery this next week, on the 27th, to help battle her cancer again. Please pray for the Lord's loving arms to surround her and keep her safe, to give peace to her heart and mind, to care for her family, and to guide the neurosurgeon's hands.

Also, please continue to pray for Mackenzie and her family, Will and his family, and always for each other.

My prayer today is that we each have the Lord's peace in our minds and hearts, wisdom to do what is right, courage to choose against that which may harm others or ourselves, and to always be mindful to help someone else. And, of course, that we each grow stronger in our relationship with our Heavenly Father every day.

Your Friend,



Galatians 4:10
You are observing special days and months and seasons and years!

Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

Ezra 8:23
So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sky, Wood, Warmth, Paths, & Prayers

Yesterday's Saturday Sky


Kim, my wonderful husband of almost 27 years, has been busy with his lathe the past week or two. He works with wood and his lathe when he's feeling well enough and his creativity and skill keeps growing. I'm so very proud of his talent and of his gentle and caring heart, strong convictions, and Christian commitment. He's been the biggest earthly blessing in my life...followed closely by our two children. The Lord's blessings truly cause my cup to runneth over.

Here are some of his recent nostepinnes that will be available for purchase in some of the local yarn shops soon.


As our temps drop, and the Eastern European temps drop even further and more quickly, my CIC knitting has been on track. The current CIC list challenge for sweaters has me happily knitting children's sweaters.

I completed this sweater night before last.

Then I immediately cast on another.

I had planned on knitting 3 CIC sweaters for the current challenge, but I'm way ahead of my estimated knitting time, so I think I'll do more than just these three. The current sweater is being knit in Lamb's Pride Bulky and is knitting very quickly. The yarn is lucious and I plan on using it frequently.


The lessons learned on a farm from the animals are too numerous to count. I've always loved animals and welcomed their presence....even yearned for them when none were near. Thankfully, Kim loves animals, too.

Our dachshunds are very smart (well, most of the time). They know where the best hunting areas are, where to avoid stickers, they prefer to stay dry and avoid going out when it's raining, but love to jump in and lounge in their water bowls on hot days.

This year we have had an extended drought. Our dachshunds preferred paths are now very evident all over our farm. There's a well defined path around the house, to the barn, to the front pond, to the back pasture, to the garage, to their favorite shade trees, and anywhere else they choose to frequently venture.

Our dachsies conserve energy by taking their paths, which are always the most direct route and shortest distance to where they want to go. It is also the path of greatest safety .... sticker and burr free and best view of their surroundings. Also, they usually like to travel together.

A very important part of canine training and care is to teach them to *come* when called. This is essential for their safety and a requirement for any responsible canine owner. Especially since dachshunds are hounds, their natural instinct is to follow any scent trail or chase any perceived prey. A well trained dog will immediately stop what they are doing and come when called. They may not realize it is for their safety and protection, or because you love them, but it is absolutely essential. You wouldn't want them running into a busy street or scaring a child or chasing a rabbit until they were lost.

It is loving discipline and consistency that is required to get a dachshund, or any dog, to respond.

I'm really proud of these little ones:

And, they are always rewarded when they come promptly. : )

Seeing their many paths on our farm makes me consider my own path. I hope to faithfully follow any path the Lord places before me and I know that He will always accompany me along that path.


I pray that we each will know the path the Lord would have us take. I pray that we will each faithfully walk that path and be a blessing to everyone we meet along the way. I pray that we can accept loving discipline when necessary, and that we always run to His loving arms when called.

I hope that you each have a wonderful upcoming week. I wish your path to be straight and sticker free ... and that you always find your way safely home.

Your Friend,



Psalm 23:3
He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Psalm 25:4
Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths;

Proverbs 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Acts 2:28
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Our Sky, Farm Animals, Knitting & Prayers

Saturday Sky

Today's sky....

We're finally getting some cooler temps in central Oklahoma. Yesterday was in the 90's, so when we have temps that seem like fall is actually on its way, we're thrilled!

Farm Animals

One of the biggest benefits of living on a farm and having acres of room is the ability to have animals that have plenty of room to exercise and explore.

However, today we let a couple of the boys out of the back pasture to graze up front and this is where they went!

This is our boy, Redford, pretending he is a bird and eating from one of our ground bird feeders. He knows this isn't allowed....but, he tries anyway. He has a taste for sunflower seeds...which is NOT good for horses. So, we go out and move him and have to put away the bird feeders for a bit until we put the boys back in the back pasture this evening. (Please excuse the poor quality picture. It was taken through the screen of one of our front windows.)

We also enjoy our dachshunds!

Our dachshunds are loyal, loving, brave, and they *do not* realize they are small dogs. They love to be in the laps of their humans, or chasing away wildlife critters, or just lazing in the sun.

A couple of our boys have upcoming appts. with our vet for *testosterone adjustments*. Our vet is wonderful and I'm sure the boys will do well but we're not talking about it in front of them just yet. : )

Current Knitting

I've been knitting children's sweaters for CIC. I hope to knit many more for the current challenge of the CIC Yahoo Knit List which goes through Nov. 30th. (Please feel free to join the list and to join in our efforts!)

This past week Denise of the CIC list gave a link to a vendor for wool at an outstanding price. The vendor is The Sheep Shed Studio and the specials for Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride is HERE on Carol's Super Specials page.

I received my order 2 days after it was placed. Now that's service! The yarn is absolutely beautiful! Although some is listed as seconds, I could find nothing wrong with any of the skeins. All I can figure is that they must have incredibly rigid quality control at Brown Sheep. Here's a picture of my outstanding yarn purchase.

You can see that I wound two of the center pull skeins into center pull balls looking for any sign of flaws...and I've found none! I'm so pleased to have found this vendor. I will be able to stretch my CIC dollars even further. : )

I've also finished Chart #2 of the Mountain Peaks Shawl. I just need to complete Chart #3 and do the border charts and I'm finished. Blocking isn't that far away. Yippee!


I'd like to request renewed prayers for Susan and Will. They both are battling cancer and are having physical struggles and weakness from the cancer treatments. Please pray for their complete return to health, bountiful blessings from family and friends, and the comfort of our Heavenly Father every moment of every day.

I also continue to pray for each of you. My prayer is that you will personally know the presence of the Lord in your life and have a continued growing and strengthening personal relationship with Him every hour of every day.

Your Friend,



Psalm 36:5
Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.

Psalm 139:8
If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.

Psalm 91:4
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.